OBP Promoting Tim Malven and his Christmas Holiday Story about Magic and Family Values: The Christmas That Almost Wasn't

Tim Malven
The Christmas That Almost Wasn't

Christmas Story - Family Values. Book Marketing is provided by OBP

The story of Christmas re-imagined and powered by magic and love.
Excitement and mystery fill Christmas Eve. Who sent the magical key and why? Was it perhaps Santa Clause?
Will this young family discover what love and true Christmas is all about?

The Christmas That Almost Wasn't is an illustrated book for young children and a perfect read for early elementary grades. Meet a young family facing financial difficulties at Christmas time. If this sounds familiar or you know someone who could use a story to help their own children or grandchildren through some financial difficulties, send them a copy as a gift. More than ever, children need help with understanding and internalizing the issues that personally affect them. Naturally, this has to be done at their level of understanding through stories and imagination play. Help them feel loved and cared for, especially through difficult times.

Book tags: children children's holiday true meaning Christmas adventure believe celebration illustrated fiction early grade kids youth Santa Clause story family financial difficulties budgeting reindeer magic gifts gift book presents happiness imagination author publicity marketing promotion how-to reach readers sell books Tim Malven The Christmas That Almost Wasn't
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Book tags:children children's holiday true meaning Christmas adventure believe celebration illustrated fiction early grade kids youth Santa Clause story family financial difficulties budgeting reindeer magic gifts gift book presents happiness imagination author publicity marketing promotion how-to reach readers sell books Tim Malven The Christmas That Almost Wasn't
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